Monday, November 19, 2007

My "Real" Home

If you've come here looking for me.... I've relegated this blog as my vacation home (which I have no time to visit, sadly).

You can find my up-to-date and/or recent entries over at: Kini's Place.

Please stop by, leave a comment or two (or three if you're inclined), I'd love to hear from you!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

A small hiatus...

It seems that I have taken a small hiatus form posting here. While the "reasons" are limitless, I really have no excuse. I was busy with my own things, the kids things, and preparing for an upcoming trip.

Do not worry though, I am back!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Are you sick

...of my endless whining about the weather? Gaawwwddd!!! Again? you must wonder....

Believe me, I am as tired of it as you are, but it is consuming my thoughts now.

WHEN will it be nice enough to spend the afternoon outside with my beloved children? That is such a loaded statement as anyone with pre-teen children well knows. My youngest would love to run and frolic and dig in the dirt or sand outside ALL DAY LONG! My oldest? I fear it may be like pulling teeth to get her to stay outside with us. And now that she has an iPod? Forget any interaction for a while.

Do not worry about us. We will be laying down the law about appropriate vs. inappropriate times to be wearing such musical device. We are, however, letting her bask in the warmth of having a muscial device as such. She had had an mp3 player (a MacVision 512, I believe) for a very long time until it died about 5 weeks ago. I am also, however, ECSTATIC to have my iPod back all to myself. (What a lovely, sweet mother I am to let her borrow it.... again and again and again!)

Until next time!

My weather order still screwed up. Snow. All day long it snowed. Then it turned to a slushy, frozen, wet rainy thing. Mixed precipitation, I believe they called it.

Ba humbug! Enough with the winter weather. Bring on the heat already!

Today, I realized that my parents have been married for 37 years, today! What yucky weather they have to celebrate in. Regardless, Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad! I love you both very much!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

You Got My Order WRONG!

My order has been totally screwed up. WHO ordered MORE snow? I do believe that I ordered SPRING!

Am I wrong?

Monday, April 9, 2007

Getting Older

My daughter is now 12 years old complete with all it means to be a "pre-teen" or "tween" or whatever the current buzz phrase is for this age group. Yes, we as her parents, are indeed enabling some of this odd behavior that us "old folks" appear annoyed with.

Huh? For example, she has hardly taken off her headphones from the iPod that she received from us for her birthday. *sigh* As much as I LOVE that we were able (and willing) to give her a gift that we knew she would love, sometimes I wonder, since the thing that annoys me terribly is having to repeat myself. *HUGE sigh*

My youngest daughter will be four soon.

She cannot wait.

I can.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Easter Snow

This is how our Easter Morning looked:

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Still Cold

Easter is almost here. In about an hour, in fact. Although, it certainly does not feel like it being 22 degrees outside. We are promised a high for Easter Sunday of about 35 degrees. My parka does not exactly scream HAPPY EASTER being that it is 1. A parka, and 2. A dark, green hooded parka!

Apparently, the weather is looking up for us: Sunday: 35; Monday: 40; Mid-40s through the week and the possibility of sneaking into the 50-degree range come Saturday. There are two problems with this. First, the snow might hide the eggs for any kind of egg hunt (yes, it has been snowing ALL DAY LONG). Second, I doubt the kids would wait until next weekend's better weather. *sigh*

Have a Happy frigid Easter!

We Call to the Warm Weather

Winter Weather We Implore You to LEAVE!

As I type this note, it is nearly noon, and a mere 24 degrees outside. Snow covers the ground. It is the day before Easter. A day which should be (perhaps in my fantasy world) showing all the signs of spring. Instead, all those flower which were blooming at the start of last week's 70 degree weather are now whithering, weighed down by the snow.Oh, and the cold.

I wonder how the strawberries will fair this year...

Easter Cookies

Here are two recipes for the same Easter Cookies....

The first one, The Brutal Death of Our Savior Cookies, has quite a bit of additional commentary.

The second one, Easter Story Cookies, has none of the commentary of the first one, but is otherwise the same recipe.

Enjoy the read!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Thoughts spewing forth...

So, I have decided to have separate blogs for various topics...

Kini's Quest is for my neverending quest to find a fitness and diet plan that works for me...and sticking to it.

Kini's Place is about all the little things that happen at home.

Kini's World is still here, THIS world, for my endless thoughts about a myriad of topics.

Join me, if you wish! I would love to see your place on the net too! Leave me a comment with your address.


This year, I've decided to try purchasing my bulb flowers (tulips, daffodils, etc) as flowering plants. Then, when the weather is nicer (aka, the cold and snow FINALLY is gone) I will plant them outside.

Previously, I've planted bulbs in the fall, but rarely ever get plants in the spring. I know I have moles...OMG do we have moles. And groundhogs! Three, I think. I've heard of bulb cages that you put in the ground to keep the critters from eating the bulbs, but I wonder if they are worth it?

Good Riddance Winter!

What is with all the cold weather? SNOW? Temps in the low 20s?

I think winter needs to get on with it and go on vacation... Isn't the southern hemisphere expecting winter to show up there soon?

Today, April 6th, at 11:30 am edt, I was out galavanting around (ok, I was shopping) and it was only 26 degrees out! And, snowing! Ugh...

Sunday, April 1, 2007


This month has my daughter's birthday. I do believe it is the only one we'll celebrate this month. My parent's Anniversary also falls within this month.

Happy Birthday my "little" yet big one!

(Seriously! No foolin!)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Geez Woman!

Geez Woman! Get with it already!

Sometimes that addage: Out of Sight, Out of Mind severely applies to me. The problem is that even in full sight, I can easily ignore things. Argh!

So, pretty much everything has fallen by the wayside for three months now. I'm losing any progress I had made between September and January. January, I maintained, but I really think I had myself fooled that I was maintaining. Besides, maintenance is so far from what I need (and want) to be doing now.

This morning when I got up, I felt different. I know it is all in my head...where it should be. I realized that for the last three months, I have been hiding in the baggy (albeit very WARM) clothing. I can fit into my jeans still, though barely. I'm sure it looks terrible, but I can still breathe in them.

This likely means that I took a mental vacation from my health pursuits... a three month vacation. And, the worst part, it is so not worth it. I had signed up for all sorts of challenges and such hoping -- praying -- that they would help me get back on track. None of it did. The things that were helping me before my vacation had stopping helping me back in January. Maybe earlier.

Why today? What happened yesterday, last night, or while I slept? Honestly, I have not the faintest of clues.

I need to make this feeling stay. And when it wanes, I need to plow through. I have goals damnit.

I've also moved my health & diet blog (this one) over to its new site: Kini's Quest! Please feel free to join me, I could totally use the feedback. Leave a comment with your site too, I would love to see it!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Birthdays Galore!

This month has a lot of birthdays for celebrating! My Dad's, Hubby's Dad, Both nieces, and Two cousins!

The oddity of it all? Hubby's Dad and one of my niece's have the same birthday. Also, both the cousins and my other niece have the same birthday! In fact, both the cousins (a brother and sister no less) share the same birthday, just five years apart (I think it's five). How would you like to have the same birthday as YOUR brother or sister? Not me. Uh-uh, no way!

I hope they all have a wonderful birthday!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Not quite like I planned

The idea of using an online community as support for my fitness quest and weight-loss journey is VERY appealing. Yet, with the slow, sucky dial-up connection I am forced to endure, it is not a very feasible plan.

I cannot wait until wireless reaches us. Wired is very unlikely, living in the boonies like we do....

Thursday, February 1, 2007


My Mom's birthday is this month! As is Hubby's Grandmother's.

I was so sorry to see, Mom, that your birthday falls on FAT TUESDAY this year! Ah well, all the better to splurge?!

Happy Birthday!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

National Body Challenge

The National Body Challenge from Discovery Health kicks off today. Yes, I have signed up. Again. I feel a bit more serious about it this time, as in, I have a plan. And, I plan to work my plan.

I have made a fairly aggressive plan, to start with. I am combining the National Body Challenge (as it gives me a definate and somewhat finite time frame) with the Body for Life Challenge (as it seems more structured to me in regards to fitness and exercise). Also thrown in there is a low glycemic eating plan.

My starting stats are grim.

Weight: 212 pounds
Height: 5'7"
Waist: 40.5"

Friday, January 5, 2007


Today, I decided that I need a day of "rest." By this I mean, I did not ride my bike or do alternative "aerobic" exercise. I did, however, do some targeted ab work and continued with my feeble pushup attempts. (Really. It is pathetic. However, I am not giving up... As I have a goal to be able to perform 5 regular pushups before my birthday in May. I cannot even do one whole one yet.... )

I was very tired today. My littlest child has been sick with a fairly high fever for the last 3 days. Nothing horrid, but needing lots of cuddling and gophering for. That and my legs are so worn out, stair climbing (and I did a lot of that today) was really difficult. I hope that I am not coming down with whatever she had. (By the way, she is much better now.)

This is the start of something...

This is a start. My start. Actually, I am not starting over, but am starting to record my journey in one place. Sure, I might reference it in other places, but everything will be here. In order. For real.